
Contrasts was a week-long project created for a university course: “Magic Windows and Mixed-Up Realities” at NYU. Inspired by the common dream of every New York City subway user to teleport elsewhere, I designed a two-portal experience.

For the first AR portal, the user is surrounded by the New York subway in a cold winter month, when suddenly they are transported to a beach in Hawaii. Building on this, the second AR portal takes you again from that same New York subway with its stress and chaos, and transports you to another world, where everything is peaceful and serene; somewhere where you could take a moment, take a step back and breathe.

Personally, I believe the psychological benefits of such scenery would significantly improve the mornings of a New York subway user.

The first AR portal, which starts with the snow outside the New York subway, suddenly transporting the user to a Hawaiian beach.

The second AR portal, which starts with a scene of the chaos of entering and exiting the subway, suddenly sends the user into an alternate world, surrounded by the beauty and peace of nature.

Made With:

  • Xcode
  • Maya
  • C++